Chemical Name: HEDP
CAS No.: 2809-21-4
Molecular Fomula: C2H8O7P2
Molecular Weight: 206.03
Appearance: White crystalpowder
Purity: 90%
Chemical Name: HEDP
CAS No.: 2809-21-4
Molecular Fomula: C2H8O7P2
Molecular Weight: 206.03
Appearance: White crystalpowder
Purity: 90%
HEDP Quick Details
Chemical Name: HEDP
CAS No.: 2809-21-4
Molecular Fomula:C2H8O7P2
Chemical Structure:
Molecular weight: 206.03
Appearance:White crystal
HEDP Typical Properties
Item | Hedp |
Appearance | Withe crystal powder |
Active content(HEDP)% | 90.0min |
Activecontent(HEDP.H2O)% | 98.0min |
Chloride(as Cl-)% | 50max |
PH (1% solution) | 2.0max |
Fe,mg/L | 5.0max |
Phosphoric acid(as PO3³‾) | 0.8max |
Phosphoric acid(as PO4³‾) | 0.5max |
HEDP 90% powder Application
1.HEDP is used as scale and corrosion inhibition in circulating cool water system, oil field and low-pressure boilers in fields such as electric power, chemical industry, metallurgy, fertilizer, etc..
2.In light woven industry, HEDP is used as detergent for metal and nonmetal. In dyeing industry, HEDP is used as peroxide stabilizer and dye-fixing agent;
3.In non-cyanide electroplating, HEDP is used as chelating agent. The dosage of 1-10mg/L is preferred as scale inhibitor, 10-50mg/L as corrosion inhibitor, and 1000-2000mg/L as detergent.
4.Usually, HEDP is used together with polycarboxylic acid.
HEDP Packaging and Storage
Packaging:25KG/ bag. Compound cowhide paper bag, lined.